by Eric Conder | Jan 28, 2019
Charlie Conder accomplished the seemingly impossible! She walked into a room of 70 middle schoolers, 12 adults, and 2 high schoolers she had never met, and through her vulnerable, honest sharing, made a huge impact on how we view ourselves as Christians. Charlie's...
by charlie | Jul 17, 2018
As a full time youth minister with over 40 kids to tend to, I know more than most the importance of putting youth in front of energetic, engaging, and captivating speakers. Charlie Conder 100% fits the bill. Charlie's down to earth and relatable personality breaks...
by charlie | Jul 17, 2018
Charlie joined us as our speaker for our Middle School Retreat and did a stellar job. She is a magnetic speaker, dynamic communicator and spoke the truth of God’s Word straight to each heart in the room. Charlie gave a beautiful picture of the grace & truth extended...
by charlie | Jul 17, 2018
Charlie spoke to my youth group for one of our retreats, and my youth loved her! She intertwined real world issues with Gospel stories that captured the attention of my students. She spoke to their hearts in an engaging and relevant way that brought them closer to the...